Page 41 - HUB-4 Magazine Issue 82
P. 41

 MRF’s & Recycling News
    hopper to try and divert as much steel from entering the screen deck itself. Metal coming off the magnet and grizzly falls to the floor where one of the five Sennebogen material handlers sifts through it with a magnet before depositing it on the side. This material is then transferred to the other Sennebogens where it is sheared and set aside to re-enter the steel making process.
The screened material coming from the Finlay 693 is then moved to the second stage in the process where it is crushed and screened. Site Foreman Kevin Norton takes up the story; “Over the years we have used a variety of crushing and screening equipment to get the right size and cleanliness of material. This train we are running now does exactly what we want and can produce a steady quantity of material so long as what we feed in isn’t too wet!”
The material the company requires goes into the production of asphalt by Steelphalt. The Rotherham based company has been using reclaimed steel mill material for over half a century. The exceptional strength and durability of steel slag extends the life of the road and increases the time between road maintenance needs. The reclaimed steel slag achieves and maintains high skid resistance throughout its whole life on the road as a result of its capacity to regenerate its surface roughness over time and not only provides a more durable surface but also increases the longevity of a road topped with this material. The processing plant employed by Gareth’s team consists of a Hyundai HX300AL loading a Finlay 694 screen producing four products. Oversized material from the screen is
fed back into a Finlay C1540 cone crusher which reduces it down to size before putting it back into
the 694. Two finished products come off the 694 at 4mm and dust with the larger material being sent
to the first of two Terex Ecotec TTS 620T trommels. These heavy-duty tracked trommels
have been fitted with different sized screens to allow a further three finished products sized at
6mm, 10mm and 12mm. The resulting
on-site Steelphalt plant and are also shipped around the country for use in other manufacturing plants. The larger product is in particularly high demand as a road dressing product with Steelphalt’s Rotherham plant taking almost every tonne of material produced.
While GR Plant are not contracted to produce a minimum tonnage of material per week, Kevin and his team have to ensure that the incoming material is handled as quickly as possible. “We need a reliable fleet of machines and Molson have been able to supply us just that. On the rare occasions we have had an issue, they have responded very quickly to our call. The kit here takes a fair beating but has stood up to the test. We do tend to change some of the machines sooner than we would normally, due to the work we do.” He commented. Rob is also very pleased with the service and back up they get from Molson. “We do have our issues occasionally, but overall, they are a great company to deal with. We ask them to supply at our specification and they do just that. They look after us from a service point of view even though they know the pain we put the machines through. They are a very fair and open company to deal with and one will continue to do so going forward.”
 materials are used both in the production of asphalt at the September/October - Issue 82
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