Page 4 - HUB-4 Magazine Issue 83
P. 4

  Rokbak Featured Story
Reducing environmental impact is a key tenet of the Rokbak brand, and working with WH Malcolm at the Lost Shore Surf Project has shown the importance of collaboration and partnerships for Rokbak to work closely with its suppliers and customers in order to make a real impact. Both the Rokbak RA30 and RA40 EU Stage V engines produce a fuel consumption saving of up to 7%, when compared to the previous EU Stage IV engines. This means lower operating costs and less impact on the environment.
“The RA30 is one of the most up-to-date bits of kit we have,” Connor adds. “The project is unique – there’s only several in the world – and if we didn’t have kit like that, we wouldn’t be able to deliver the project in a timely and efficient manner.
“When you work seasonally, like we do in Scotland, you need kit like the RA30 to get you over the line.
Setting the foundations
WH Malcolm has spent the past year consolidating the ground on which the park will be built. It’s a challenging geotechnical project to be involved in.
As one of the leading providers of logistics, construction and maintenance services in the UK, WH Malcolm is responsible for the deep drainage, plot drainage and foundation work for the Lost Shore Surf Resort development. WH Malcolm’s RA30, purchased from Rokbak dealer Molson Group in December 2021, has been at Craigpark Quarry since October 2022 and is the company’s main earth-moving equipment. In the space of a year, the RA30 – decorated in a customised Malcolm’s yellow paintjob – has already moved over 120,000 tonnes of material at the site.
 | p4 | Nov/Dec- Issue 83

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