Page 41 - HUB-4 Magazine Issue 86
P. 41

 Hillhead 2024
  Material Separation with Flip Flow Screens
Traditional rigid screens are often pushed to their limits when handling difficult materials in industrial screening and separation. Wet, sticky, or fine particles can quickly clog conventional screens, leading to reduced throughput, excessive downtime for cleaning, and decreased operational efficiency. However, Flip Flow Screens, also known as Bivitec, Binder, or Spaleck mats, offer a unique approach to tackling even the most challenging screening applications.
surface to constantly flex and move, the risk of particles becoming trapped or adhering to the screen is significantly reduced. This not only improves overall screening performance but also dramatically minimizes the need for frequent manual cleaning or maintenance, resulting in increased uptime and cost savings.
Beyond their screening capabilities, Flip Flow Screens offer several other notable benefits. They are particularly well-suited for applications where noise pollution is a concern, as their flexible design minimises the impact and vibration associated with rigid screens. This makes them an ideal choice for
screening operations in noise-sensitive areas or close to residential or commercial areas.
Flip Flow Screens are available in a range of configurations to meet diverse application requirements. They can be
manufactured with square or slotted holes, arranged in inline or staggered patterns, and come with bolted,
moulded, or plain edges. Additionally, customisable blank margins further enhance their versatility, allowing
for seamless integration into existing screening systems and plant setups.
Flip Flow Screens have been adopted widely across various industries, including mining, quarrying, aggregates, and waste management, among others. They are particularly well-suited for use in wash and Spaleck type plants, where their ability to handle challenging materials is paramount. By deploying Flip Flow Screens, these operations can achieve significant improvements in throughput rates, reduce blinding and pegging issues, and enjoy enhanced overall screening efficiency.
At Harpscreen we supply high-quality Flip Flow Screens. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, located in the UK, ensure timely delivery and exceptional quality, backed by our commitment to customer satisfaction. With extensive experience and expertise in the screening industry, our team can assist you in selecting the optimal Flip Flow Screen to meet your specific needs.
   Flip Flow Screens operate on a
fundamentally different principle than conventional rigid screens. Instead of a
static, unyielding screening surface, these innovative screens are designed to undulate and flex as material flows over them. This dynamic movement allows smaller particles to effortlessly pass through the screen openings, while larger particles are efficiently separated and discharged. The result is a screening process that is remarkably effective for separating wet, sticky, or fine materials, as well as those with high moisture content – materials that would typically cause significant issues on traditional screens.
One of the key advantages of Flip Flow Screens is their ability to minimize clogging and blinding, common problems that can severely impact screening efficiency. By allowing the screen May/June - Issue 86
 | p41 |

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