Page 40 - HUB-4 Magazine Issue 89
P. 40

STADLER’s Digital Solutions: Driving Efficiency and Customer Value in Sorting Plants
In developing its digital solutions, STADLER has pursued a twofold objective: delivering added value by using key data insights to enhance plant operations, and applying these insights to improve both plant design and after-sales service.
“Our digital solutions are purpose-built for sorting plants, directly addressing the needs of plant operators,” says Julia Stadler. “Leveraging our extensive OEM expertise, we ensure greater accuracy in areas such as determining conveyor equipment status. Our team combines software development and engineering expertise. This approach goes beyond simple data collection and visualisation: our solutions leverage new and existing data points to drive meaningful operational improvements.”
“There is strong momentum for digital innovation in the recycling sector, with a growing number of recyclers adopting these solutions to lower operational costs and boost plant performance,” adds Julia Stadler.
STADLERconnect: Maximising Plant Performance with Data-Driven Tools
STADLER’s portfolio of digital solutions can be accessed through STADLERconnect. This cloud-based platform harnesses machine and material data to maximise the availability, performance and overall process efficiency of sorting plants.
Powered by real-time plant data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), STADLERconnect is an integrated solution that adapts to varied plant configurations and needs. It focuses on two core areas.
The first area is centred around machine data and includes four modules:
• Predictive Maintenance: Prevents equipment breakdown
• BlockageDetection:Automaticallyalertsoperatorsas blockages occur
• DowntimeTracker:Identifiesandanalysesplantdowntimes
• SupportPortal:Facilitatescommunicationwithafter-sales service
The second area is focused on material data and encompasses:
• Material Split Control: Equally distributes material flows to improve performance
• ProductionReport:Visualizesproductiondata,andin particular material output
• BaleCheckIn: Analyzes material infeed at the bale-specific level
• BaleCheckOut:Analyzesmaterialoutputatthebale- specific level
“STADLERconnect’s digital tools leverage AI and intelligent processing of material and machine data to optimize plant performance across key areas,” says Dr. Xiaozheng Chen, Material Analysis & AI Specialist at STADLER. “The modules work together to create a seamless flow of information, enhancing plant reliability and supporting operators at every stage—from tracking material quality in real time to automatically controlling processing steps and predicting maintenance needs—all designed to deliver maximum value to our customers.”
  | p40 | Nov/Dec - Issue 89

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