BMRA launches Sustainability Hub for members

The BMRA’s new decarbonisation offering supports the move towards a green economy and the ambition to create the world’s first national net zero metals recycling industry.

The British Metals Recycling Association (BMRA), the trade association representing the UK’s metals recycling industry, has launched a brand-new sustainability hub, a major breakthrough in taking its members a step closer to decarbonisation.

The Sustainability Hub, which includes a bespoke metals recycling Carbon Calculator, aims to guide members toward resources and information to educate employees and make tangible progress towards net zero.

The launch of the Hub represents a major milestone in the BMRA’s move towards a green economy and its ambition to create the world’s first national net zero metals recycling industry.

Speaking about the launch of the Sustainability Hub, BMRA’s CEO, James Kelly said: “Publishing the Sustainability Hub is the culmination of over a year’s work which has leveraged BMRA Secretariat’s and members’ expertise, including that of the Carbon Action Committee, to create a great offering for the metals recycling industry.

“The Sustainability Hub will contain numerous benefits to members including guides and strategies towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions, offerings from experts in their fields and our flagship product, a bespoke metals recycling Carbon Calculator.

“The user-friendly calculator will enable metal recyclers to measure their scope 1 and 2 emissions. These are the emissions that are under their direct operational control and the emissions they are most likely able to work towards reducing.”

For the first time, metal recyclers will have a single place where they can measure their emissions, identify emission hotspots, learn and implement carbon reduction methods and access carbon offsetting.

Cameron Leitch, BMRA’s Policy and Public Affairs Executive and Sustainability Lead added: “The green credentials of the metals recycling industry are well documented. The industry already provides huge emission savings for metal manufacturers who choose to utilise scrap metal as a secondary raw material within their manufacturing process. This new offering aims to make those emission savings even bigger.”

The Carbon Action Committee is the BMRA’s dedicated committee for identifying best practice in decarbonisation, as well as promoting the environmental credentials the metals recycling industry has.

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