Modular Recycling Solutions are a valuable tool in tackling increased waste

With increasing amounts of various waste-streams increasing during lockdown, operators and local authorities may need to turn their sights to modular solutions to handle new volumes.

The Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT) launched an online survey for local authorities across England to establish the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on waste and recycling services at the end of March and has since issued weekly reports.

In partnership with key local authority network groups, ADEPT, has published the findings from its fourth waste impacts survey representing the week starting April 27. 

According to this latest report, greater than usual waste arisings are being experienced across many waste streams.

For example, almost all (90%) respondents have reported higher than usual residual waste arisings  - a similar picture to previous weeks.

Almost half (46%) reported increases to be in the region of ‘0-20% greater than normal’, 39% reported increases to be in the region of ‘20-50% greater than usual’, and 5% reported waste arising levels to be ‘50- 100%’ greater than usual.

It was a similar picture for recycling where 90% of respondents reported recycling waste arisings to be greater than usual, compared to a similar level of 88% the previous week.

In addition, Higher than usual arisings of collected food and garden waste have been reported by 80% and 84% of respondents, respectively. The statistics show more than a quarter (26%) experienced increases of between 20-50% in food waste with some 40% experiencing those levels of growth in garden waste.

Modular Solutions Ideal for Tackling Today’s Increased Waste
Kiverco modular solutions are suitable for a wide range of waste streams including municipal solid waste and dry mixed recyclables which are currently experiencing some of the largest increase of volumes.

What makes them ideal to meet today’s challenge is the fact that they are easy to set up – many within hours - and easy to operate.

Equipment is shipped in large pre-built modules which go together easily. All modules are pre-wired at the factory with a ‘plug and play’ electrical installation. A simple plug connection to link all the modules back to a central control panel is integral requiring just a normal connection to a mains power supply.

Also, depending on the volumes being processed, the Kiverco Modular Range can be used individually or linked together in order to further improve quality of materials and throughout for the operator.

All Kiverco’s modules are interchangeable and can be reconfigured to facilitate change in process in line with market trends.

Additionally, modular plants can be easily relocated as business needs change. This ease in movement can make it an attractive option for operators seeking approval from finance companies.

Amidst all the uncertainly of the past few months, recent events have shown that operators need increased flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and be safe in the knowledge that they have robust, flexible recycling plants that can grow and change with their business needs – whatever lies ahead.

Kiverco Modular Recycling Solutions are a proven valuable tool in tackling increased waste and are an obvious solution to increased demands of the industry.

About Kiverco
Combining more than a quarter of a century of engineering know-how with the world's ‘best in class’ technology brands, Kiverco designs, manufactures and delivers dynamic and enduring recycling solutions for any waste stream anywhere.

Kiverco has designed, manufactured and installed recycling solutions for diverse sectors and waste streams including construction & demolition; commercial and industrial; municipal solid waste; energy from waste; incinerator bottom ash; dry mixed recyclables; RDF/SRF fuel preparation; glass; compost; plastics and fines treatment.

Kiverco solutions are utilised across the world from the Middle East to North America and across Europe to Australasia - with more than 300 installations in the UK alone.

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  • Kiverco is recognised globally as a leading manufacturer of waste recycling plant solutions.  We have been manufacturing both static and mobile recycling plants for over 30 years.Our static plant solutions come in the form of larg...