Pledge2Recycle Plastics launches survey to uncover household plastic recycling habits
Pledge2Recycle Plastics, part of RECOUP, the plastics resource efficiency and recycling charity, is embarking on a mission to shed light on the actual household plastic recycling practices. Through a short survey - Cutting the Confusion: How do you recycle your household plastics (2023) Survey ( the team aims to identify the items causing confusion in recycling, while questioning citizens about their commitment to recycling bottles, pots, tubs, and trays.
Stuart Foster, CEO at RECOUP, states, "We understand that recycling plastics can be challenging for people. Our research shows that even easily recyclable items often don't end up in recycling bins. Astonishingly, out of the 38 million plastic bottles used daily in the UK, 14 million remain uncollected for recycling. We are determined to comprehend the barriers preventing people from recycling, despite the availability of kerbside collection, and the reasons why some recyclable items aren't being given a chance to be recycled."
The survey has been thoughtfully designed to require only a few minutes for completion. RECOUP earnestly requests everyone to participate and share the survey with their friends, family, and colleagues. The aim is to create a comprehensive nationwide overview of the items that confuse individuals the most when it comes to recycling. As an added incentive, Pledge2Recycle Plastics will draw one lucky winner of a £50 high street voucher from the completed surveys every month.
The data collected from this survey will be compiled and shared with the plastics industry, Local Authorities, and other stakeholders. The objective is to identify necessary changes that will support plastic recycling efforts.