Reliability - After 11 years of quality crushing with R900, it’s time for a larger Rockster Impactor.
Slovenian construction company AGM Nemec purchases its second Rockster impact crusher. “For over 11 years, we were happy with our first R900 impactor and due to our business growth, the R1100S was an obvious choice.”
Primoz Nemec started off as an independent contractor in 1994 with only one excavator. After almost a decade of hard work, perseverance and business expansion he founded in 2003 what is today known as AGM Nemec. With their main office in Sedrež, Laško, located halfway between Maribor and Slovenia’s capital, Ljubljana, AGM Nemec is primarily a construction company. With more than 130 employees, an extensive fleet of over 100 machines and motor vehicles suitable for all sorts of construction jobs, one quarry in Boben, Hrastnik with a concrete production plant as well as another dolomite quarry in Kislovec, AGM Nemec is one of the construction leaders in Slovenia.
Convinced with the ease of operation and the hydrostatic drive
It was exactly in 2008 when AGM Nemec purchased their first Rockster R900 track-mounted mobile impact crusher from the authorized Rockster Dealer Skalar d.o.o.. “After a short testing period, we were convinced that the Rockster impact crusher with a hydrostatic drive and a low transport weight is exactly what we were looking for. From the aspect of our machine operators, the crusher is very easy to operate and thanks to the large engine openings very simple to service and do all the necessary maintenance. It has been mostly used as a primary crusher in our quarry for processing dolomite - rather soft and abrasive rock - to sizes from 0/4, 4/8, 8/16, 16/32 as well as 32/x,” says Maja Gerčer Špitalar, Managing Director of AGM Nemec. She continues: “The R900 impactor was an important addition for the growth of our construction sector and it enabled us to take on other projects where crushing of asphalt or recycling of concrete on the spot was a must. I have to say that another reason why we acquired larger Rockster machine is because of the fast service provided by the Rockster dealer Skalar d.o.o. The parts were always delivered on time and great technical support just ads to a more fluid workflow.“
30% increased production and precisely defined cubical final product
As the size of construction projects grew, the need for AGM Nemec to purchase a larger impactor was also needed in order to properly grow with the market needs. They pretty much took the same route through Rockster’s Slovenian dealer, however this time no testing was necessary. AGM Nemec purchased Rockster’s R1100S impact crusher and had it delivered straight to the quarry.
The crusher is equipped with an optional hydraulically lowerable screen box and the double-functional return and/or stockpile belt. The impactor sure surprised with its output and the ability to screen and precisely define final end product. The hydraulically swiveled stock-pile conveyor enables for additional product size, which adds to efficiency of the crushing process and being able to get the most out of the machine. Reliable network and the very throughput of the larger crusher are exactly the two main reasons why R1100S stayed at the quarry for good. It will mainly crush dolomite with 0-500 input size for the purposes of concrete production at the quarry. “It was very easy for us to decide since we have had Rockster impactor for more than 11 years.
Our operator knows how easy it is to operate a crusher with a hydrostatic drive as well as how to fine tune the adjustment gap and get exact desired final material. Thanks to the intuitive, electrical control function on the multifunctional display, the set-up of the crushing gap adjustment, in comparison to R900, is even easier to define, which allows for precisely controlled size of the end-material. The Quick Start-Stop function and the vibrating chute with load-dependent speed control add to the efficiency of the machine and decrease setup- and downtime. With the additional screening system, it will enable us to broaden our services which means crushing and screening on-site. We will use the screen system mainly for production of 0-16 and 0-32 final product. Sporadically, the R1100S, will be required for recycling demolition debris such as reinforced concrete as well as asphalt,” says Mrs. Gerčer Špitalar.
Whether processing dolomite in a quarry, crushing asphalt for new roads or recycling concrete to be reused in future buildings, the impact crusher R1100S is already a valuable addition to a wide range of services that the AGM Nemec is able to provide. “To grow together with our customers is a special feeling. When a company, with over 10 years of experience working with a Rockster machine, decides to purchase another crusher from us, it can’t get any better. This is not only a proof for us that the machines last long yet another confirmation to strive and deliver top products to all corners of the world, ” says Rockster’s Sales Manager & AO, Norbert Feichtinger.