Tarmac launches its third Supplier Sustainability Week

Tarmac is launching its third Supplier Sustainability Week to explore the wider sustainability landscape in partnership with its supply chain.   

Running from 27 to 30 November, the week will include a series of free-to-join 60-minute sessions on how the company and its supply chain partners can work together to improve sustainability. This could include cutting carbon emissions, reusing materials, water recycling, exploring alternative fuels for cement production, or logistics efficiency, to name just a few.

Jonathan Harry, procurement director at Tarmac, said: “The two events we’ve held in previous years have not only seen a combined attendance of over 1,400 participants, but they have also helped to identify and accelerate several innovative solutions. These have included the purchase of the UK’s first all-electric mixer truck and projects to support the switch from diesel to lower carbon alternatives.

“The pressure is on for the industry to evidence how we’ll collectively transition to net zero, and we know this involves a huge behavioural shift on a scale we’re yet to witness. Our Supplier Sustainability Week is a fantastic example of how through collaborative working, we can create real solutions and the change needed to drive the decarbonisation agenda to where it needs to be.”

The event attracts participation from a wide range of organisations and individuals. Suppliers attending in previous years have included Shell, Total Energies, Squeaky Energy, Chepstow Plant and Avetta.

To register for events and learn more, click here.

For more information on how Tarmac will deliver on its decarbonisation commitments in 2030 and beyond, click here.

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