Tarmac wins levelling up award for contribution to social mobility
Tarmac is celebrating becoming a winner at the first ever Purpose Business Coalition Levelling Up Awards 2022, in recognition of the company’s achievements in helping to improve social mobility across the UK.Based on 14 Levelling Up Goals, launched by the Rt Hon Justine Greening, chair of the Social Mobility Pledge and former education secretary in 2021, the awards have been designed to shine a spotlight on organisations helping communities overcome barriers to opportunity, such as digital connectivity and good health and wellbeing.
The UK’s leading sustainable construction solutions company triumphed in the ‘Infrastructure for Opportunity’ category, acknowledging the impact that its work has had on delivering opportunity.
Graeme Boylen, HR director at Tarmac, said: “We’re absolutely delighted to have received this accolade which reflects our ongoing commitment to delivering projects that make a real difference to local communities, at the same time as providing a lasting skills legacy through employment and training opportunities.
“Alongside our partners we’re proud of our continued work on a wide range of highways schemes which play a pivotal role in connecting people and driving positive social and economic outcomes – this award is testament to the hard work of Tarmac colleagues up and down the UK in supporting those goals.”
Founder of the Social Mobility Pledge and former Education Secretary, Rt Hon Justine Greening, added: “Huge congratulations to all our Award winners. They have demonstrated genuine leadership in supporting their colleagues, clients and the communities they serve. With the legacy of the pandemic and now the growing challenges of the cost of living crisis, it has never been more important that businesses show ambition and purpose in delivering positive social impact.
“Tarmac is committed to being much more than just a large employer within the communities it operates in. Tarmac plays the vital role of an anchor institution, spreading its influence much wider than its normal operations through its support of local projects and its supply chain.”
Other organisations recognised at the awards include the BBC, Virgin Money and The Co-Op Group.
The event was hosted by Lord John Walney, chair of the Business Purpose Coalition, and by former CEO and now Consultant at Shoosmiths, Simon Boss.
Special Awards went to Simon Boss and to Sir Peter Lampl, founder and chair of the Sutton Company and the Sutton Trust, for their outstanding leadership in the business world.