The Hills Group receives Habitat Heroes accolade

The pivotal role The Hills Group has played supporting the conservation and protection of wildlife in the Cotswold Water Park has been further strengthened by becoming a Cotswold Lakes Trust Premium Habitat Hero.

Peter Andrew, Group Director – Quarry Products, said: “The Hills Group has been operating in the Cotswold Water Park for more than 100 years and has created many of the lakes and wonderful habitats you see today. We are delighted to join the Premium Habitat Heroes scheme as it recognises our ongoing partnership with the Trust and our commitment to the wildlife and ecosystems in the Water Park.”

Ben Welbourn, Conservation and Estates Director – CLT commented: “For more than 25 years, The Hills Group has consistently demonstrated significant support for the wildlife and people of the Cotswold Water Park through high quality quarry restoration. With their continued support of the Cotswold Lakes Trust’s biodiversity, education, access projects and now their addition to our new Habitat Heroes scheme, Hills continues to cement its commitment to creating a lasting local legacy.”

The Hills Group has worked in collaboration with the Cotswold Lakes Trust since 1997, providing over £1.3 million to the charity through the Landfill Communities Fund. This partnership has led to the creation and preservation of one of the most stunning and biodiverse wetland landscapes in the UK, which is home to an amazing variety of wildlife, as well as an array of exceptional leisure amenities.

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