FCC Environment launch a new service

On the eve of World Environment Day 2021, leading recycling and waste management company FCC Environment has launched a new service for its commercial and industrial clients called Neutrality, a total waste and energy management service.

Building on its efforts to reduce waste and increase recycling amongst it 6000 business waste customers, FCC Environment is shifting the focus to Net Zero working with its clients to help them deliver against the Governments wide ranging carbon ambitions.

The UK Government has set a target for a 78% reduction in carbon emissions by 2035, this is faster than any other developed nation and all businesses must all play their part. Embedding recycling into business behaviours and delivering zero waste to landfill is not enough. Reducing and reusing what you can, recycling where you can and generating energy from any waste that is left have a positive impact on carbon footprint but all businesses must go further.

“We are introducing a Total Waste and Energy Management Service tailored for reducing the carbon footprint of our clients” said Peter Cundall, Head of Commercial Operations for FCC Environment. “We have been working with customers to enable them to commit to sending zero waste to landfill for many years now. But the agenda has moved on. Businesses in the UK must now look to achieve 78% reduction in carbon emissions by 2035. This is no small ask but we are here to help them understand their carbon footprint and to help them take steps to reach a Net Zero future.

“We are already working with several of our customers offering them the tools to help them understand their carbon footprint. By focusing on the waste you produce and the energy you consume as a business, you will gain an insight into your current carbon impacts along with insight into the immediate steps that you can take to improve your performance including, a tailoring waste, recycling and green energy package.”

Neutrality works in two simple steps:

Step 1: Define and measure your carbon impact

Step 2: Implement and improve tracking your progress along the way

To support the push towards Neutrality, FCC Environment has committed to planting a tree on behalf of all of its new clients and even has the option for to clients to plant additional trees to support them in their environmental goals in reducing their overall carbon emissions.

An initial consultation is free for existing and new clients and a consultant will look at your whole business activity offering support and advice on how you can continue your journey to neutrality.

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