Try before you buy on either the class-leading Komatsu PC138US-11 or fresh to the market Komatsu PC210LC-11.
Try the Komatsu PC210LC-11 or the PC138US-11 on a 6-month lease with no deposit and then either give it back to us* or buy the machine at the discounted balance!
The brand new PC210LC-11 further leverages Komatsu’s leadership in technology and innovation with an environmentally friendly EU Stage IV Komatsu engine, up to 6% improved fuel efficiency, an upgraded cab design and enhanced safety and serviceability.
The PC138US-11’s short tail swing radius makes it an ideal machine for safe working in confined work areas such as single lane traffic or urban environments. The EU Stage IV emissions-certified machine is the newest addition to Komatsu’s excavator line up.
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Redditch, B98 0RT