Westminster Waste Streamline Their Processes to Build an Efficient Waste Business

Westminster Waste, based in the heart of London, have carried out major upgrades of their processing plant this year, in partnership with recycling plant builder, Kiverco. As an innovative and fast-moving company, one of their key objectives is zero waste to landfill. The recent upgrades have not only helped achieve this but also enabled them to create a more streamlined and efficient plant that produces high-quality end-products.

A Complete Overhaul of the Wood Processing Facility
At the start of 2018, refining their products for the biomass industry was a top priority for Westminster Waste. To do this they needed to overhaul their existing facility, so they consulted with the Kiverco team who were able to design a more efficient, streamlined plant. Where they previously used a selection of mobile machines to do the job, Kiverco recommended one processing line which extracts the fines and recirculates the oversize material, leaving perfectly graded wood chip which then passes over a metals separator to remove ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This has allowed Westminster Waste more throughput and helped them to produce a much cleaner product.

Keeping the Plant Operational
With the Construction & Demolition side of the business, Westminster wanted to increase tonnage and extract more recyclables. One of the key elements of this project was that they needed to keep the plant operational during the upgrades, to ensure minimal downtime. Kiverco developed an installation schedule that enabled them to work over two planned weekends, thus, not affecting the incoming waste streams.

These major upgrades to the processing plant included a robust pan feeder, Spaleck screen, electro magnet and outside of the main building, a 4-bay picking station. Again, considering the zero to waste objective, anything that cannot be extracted for recycling is processed into Solid Recovered Fuel.

Dominic Moule, Managing Director of Westminster Waste says “Kiverco did a great job on the install and kept on schedule which had minimal impact on the yard itself. Recycling/recovery-wise, we are now reaping the rewards of these upgrades.”

John Paul Devlin, Kiverco Sales Manager, says, “When we first met Dominic, we listened to the challenges he was facing and where he wanted to take the company over the next few years. Based on this, we were able to come up with a solution to help him grow the business and take it to the next level. Westminster Waste is an innovative company, who want to keep improving now that we’ve built up a good relationship and worked closely together this year, they know that Kiverco don’t just talk about how we can help, we actually come in and do it.

For more info visit www.kiverco.com

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