Page 27 - HUB-4 Magazine Issue 85
P. 27

Washing & Screening
The McLanahan UltraWASH Modular Wash Plant, UltraSAND Plant and EcoCycle High-Rate Thickener are helping Goonvean Aggregates to meet its sustainability goals.
“Our goals as a business are to be more sustainable in every facet of how we operate as a business,” Mr. Penny shared. “It’s an ongoing process, and we’re looking to reduce our carbon footprint. With the McLanahan plant on site, that’s allowing us to do so.”
In addition to helping Goonvean Aggregates meet its sustainability goals, the McLanahan equipment is also allowing the granite-based secondary aggregate supplier to utilize all its feed material and produce zero waste in the process, eliminating the step of taking material to tip.
“Since we’ve had the McLanahan plant on site, our productivity and efficiencies have increased. We’re able to provide additional products to the local and national market,” said Mr. Penny. “As part of this, it means as a company, we’re ‘zero to tip’. Every part of the product which comes into us, we’re able to process and resell as a finished product.”
Mr. Penny said that being “zero to tip” has huge environmental impacts for business. Specifically, for Goonvean Aggregates, it means the company can process all its feed material to be more efficient and more productive. It has allowed Goonvean Aggregates to reduce its carbon emissions as well as given the company an additional product offering, increasing profitability.
“It’s enhanced our product offering, our productivity, our efficiencies and our profitability,” Mr. Penny said about being able to process all the material with the McLanahan wash plants and Thickener.
Overall, Mr. Penny is pleased not only with the McLanahan equipment but with the support Goonvean Aggregates has received from McLanahan throughout the process.
“The support from McLanahan has been excellent and allowed us to proceed and to push on with our strategic goals as a business,” Mr. Penny said. Nov/Dec- Issue 83
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