Page 47 - HUB-4 Magazine Issue 85
P. 47

 Lead Generation on a Grand Scale:
Trade shows are fertile grounds for lead generation. The sheer volume of attendees provides organisations with a vast pool of potential clients and collaborators. I have always said though that engaging the right people and capturing the right leads is important. There is no point in scanning every exhibitor badge if the aim of the capture is for strong buyer potential. If it’s for brand awareness and to build up a good market database, then that is different. Ensure you have clarity of what your objectives are for the show and who you are wanting to target or talk to.
Engaging booth designs, product demonstrations, and interactive presentations can capture the attention of a diverse audience, translating into a robust lead generation pipeline. These shows also give businesses to look at their own supply chain so when planning these investments don’t just think about staffing the stand itself, but also the possibilities to invest in staff to walk the show and find the right suppliers for your own manufacturing departments.
 In Summary:
While corporate events and trade shows offer distinct advantages, the real power lies in striking a balance between the two. A well-thought-out strategy can involve a mix of client-focused corporate events for nurturing existing relationships and trade shows for expanding market reach and garnering new opportunities. Budgets will always dictate certain decisions, however with an effective business strategy that considers both options I believe that both can be leveraged to achieve positive returns on both investment and objectives. March/April - Issue 85
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