Cemex Europe makes strong progress with EPD Certificate rollout
Global building materials supplier Cemex is proud to announce that it will soon have obtained Type III Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) certificates for the cements it produces across its European network of cement plants.
Cemex’s Future in Action climate action strategy is backed with science-based targets, aligned to the 1.5 degrees scenario, and using EPD certificates is an efficient and transparent way to publish significant progress and clear industry leadership. In this regard EPDs have been published for selected cements since 2021 and Cemex is now proud to confirm the publication of EPDs for all cement types in Poland and the publication of EPDs for our products produced in Croatia and Spain in the coming weeks.
Phase 2 of the publication process will see EPDs for cements produced in the UK, Germany and Czechia in early 2024 which will complete the full European roll out.
Sergio Menéndez, President of Cemex Europe, Middle East, Africa & Asia, said: “EPD certificates enable our customers to make an informed choice about which materials offer the lowest carbon footprint and reduce the environmental impact of their construction projects.
“We have therefore made securing these objective and reliable documents, which demonstrate that our products meet the requirements of more sustainable construction, a priority across our whole European operation. I am very pleased with the progress made so far and look forward to celebrating the completion of this process.”
Cemex’s dedicated climate action strategy, Future in Action, identifies the development and introduction of innovative lower carbon products and solutions as an integral part of its road map to carbon neutrality. Cemex expects to exceed its 2030 aspiration of hitting a 55% CO2 reduction in its European operations.
Cemex R&D, Innovation and Business Development projects are part of the global R&D collaboration network, headed by CEMEX Research Centers, based in Switzerland