Official Launch of OilQuick Italy  

OilQuick AB is elated to announce the establishment of OilQuick Italy, a new subsidiary nestled in the historic city of Verona. This strategic expansion underlines OilQuick AB's enduring commitment to bringing its pioneering quick coupler technology closer to its valued clientele in Italy.

OilQuick Italy will function as a robust extension of OilQuick AB, dedicated to representing the brand and its esteemed products within the Italian territory. With the helm in the adept hands of Mr. Alessandro Galasso, appointed as the Commercial Director, the new subsidiary is poised to provide seamless service and support, fulfilling the distinctive market needs.

Alessandro Galasso, with his extensive experience and market knowledge, is anticipated to drive the brand’s growth and foster enduring relationships with Italian customers. 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude towards everyone who has played an instrumental role in making this venture come to fruition. OilQuick Italy is not just an extension of our business; it is a testament to our evolving journey and the enduring relationships we aim to build in the Italian market.

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